7 Wonders Duel: Leaders Agora fans made expansion

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Product Description

7 Wonders Duel: Leaders Agora expansion created by fans. The expansion includes:
✅ 36 leaders cards (63x88mm)

➽ Rules  →  dropbox.com/s/3xg8ydxq7r2dver/7%20Wonders%20Duel%20Leaders%20Agora%20Rulebook%20beta.2.pdf?dl=0
➽ For more information → boardgamegeek.com/thread/2811927/7-wonders-duel-leaders-agora
➽ These cards are not official cards; however, they are professionally made. No original parts are included.
✈ After the completion of an order, delivery outside Europe could take up to 3–5 weeks.